Thursday, October 11, 2012

Halloween Fun: The Witch and her Cat

This week I have been able to draw during the night. I have 3 new drawings to show you!
I have also added some new items to my Etsy Shop. I have decided to sell my originals. I really don't feel good at selling prints... and, also, when I buy some art, I like it to be original.
If you want to visit my shop here is the link:

And now to my new Halloween Fun drawing.
This time I have tried a different kind of eyes. Do you like them?

Colored pencils and ink.

The Witch and her Cat
 View lots os great artists at PAINT PARTY FRIDAY!


  1. i dont' feel great selling prints, too. cheers, alpha shanahan#27

  2. I like this - she looks more mischievous than wicked!

  3. I love the eyes. Great Halloween painting.

  4. Arent these two a pair! Delightful!

  5. Loving your cute whimsys. Happy PPF, Annette x

  6. Yes, the new eyes are great, and I love her hair too!

  7. I do like the eyes. This looks like an illustration from a children's book. Have you considered doing one?

  8. Yes I like the eyes,! Wonderful illustration! HPPF!

  9. great eyes and great halloween painting! Happy PPF!

  10. this captures Halloween perfectly... hope it helps generate lots of interest in your orginials...xx

  11. There is such a playful fun look to these! Happy PPF!

  12. So sweet! :) and with twinkling stars.. :)

  13. I love the eyes! I love the drawing! I have to go visit your shop soon ;o) Big Hugs my friend ;o)

  14. What fun! A great witch and her familiar.

  15. Very festive and fun!! A Halloween delight!!

    Hugs Giggles

  16. Yes, I do like the eyes, they are unique and different. I love ALL kinds of witches. Great works. Blessings, Janet PPF


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