13 Goddesses (2012)

Taking cue from Ayala's 29 FACES CHALLENGE in February, the Goddess work we are doing in LIFEBOOK classes and to celebrate my 10 years of marriage (in May) I'd like to propose you a new challenge:


I've been a mythology fan for all my life. I read about myths from all over the world, have hundreds of books and I've also written a couple of articles some years ago.
My favorite myths are those of the Celts and King Arthur's. My nickname in the Pagan area is Arianrhod SilverWheel. Arianrhod is a Welsh Goddess of Aurora Borealis.

This is the time of the year when the MOTHER GODDESS (Nature) awakens from her winter "death".
So why don't we celebrate HER?

If you choose to participate in this challenge, here are the "rules":

 link it to http://timelessrituals.blogspot.com

  • Grab the button and put it in your blog for others to view it and read about our challenge. 
  • Become a fan of my blog or subscribe by email to receive news about the challenge.
  • Each Monday, starting from March 5th, you'll be able to add a link to your work in my weekly 13 Goddesses post. You'll have one week for working on it. See below the subjects for every week. You don't have to stick to the subjects, though. Do what you feel like to. Tell us something about the Goddess you choose: who she is, her legend etc.
  • Any medium accepted: drawing, painting, bead work, woodcarving, papier maché, mixed media etc. And you don't have to stick to a physical representation of a Goddess. You can also use her symbols, objects or anything related to her.
  • Tag your posts "13 Goddesses" so visitors will be able to see all your creations together
That's all folks!
Read below the 13 subjects for each week and GOOD JOB WITH THE GODDESS!

- March 5th: Celtic or Nordic
- March 12th: Babylonian
- March 19th: Japanese
- March 26th: Greek
- April 2nd: Native American
- April 9th: Egyptian
- April 16th: Hinduist
- April 23rd: Roman
- April 30th: Aztec or Maya
- May 7th: Sumerian
- May 14th: African
- May 21st: Australian or Polynesian
- May 28th: Chinese

These are just suggestions. You can create anything inherent to the Goddess theme from any Pantheon.


  1. Oh I am sooooooo up for this!!! :D Count me in :D XXX

  2. OK, I'm in as well :)
    Just posted the badge on my blog

  3. Good morning!
    I just found this on Gina's blog and I think I can do this also. It is so funny as I feel I must be in tune with something. Maybe the Spring Goddess is in my head as I've been doodling already! Great minds, eh...lol!

  4. Oh how FUN. Just found this and plan on participating from next week on!

  5. This is perfect to help me finish my Goddess series.... but I first need to figure out how to do the pasting of your link etc to my blog... technically challenged here..but with you in spirit nonetheless!!

    love & light,

  6. How do you participate without a blog to link to?

  7. Fefifofarm, if you have a Flickr account or if you post your work in an online gallery or in Facebook, just add that link. :))

  8. I couldn't resist giving it a go. In all reality, I've only drawn about 10 things in my 44 years of life, but you've all inspired me (especially Black Pumpkin - thank you) to keep at it and practice.

    I've added the 13 Goddesses graphic to my sidebar and am working on my first one for one of my favorite Goddesses for the 26th of March. :D

  9. i sooo love this idea!!! Following Polly found this i am in!!! i will have to catch up!! but i'm in!!!!! great idea!!!!

  10. This sounds very interesting, I wish I had time :-)

  11. Une autre belle frimousse...
    Gros bisous

  12. This sounds so informative I have already signed up for the Chakras and so don't feel able to commit to this as well (I know so little about these Goddesses) I will keep popping on to find out how this goes It will be most interesting to learn more on this subject I may even buy one of the books you recommend. (Have you a fave for a beginner like my self?)

    Thank you Dawn xx

  13. Only just notice this is from last March I will come back to this another time. I have been reading about the ones you did last year, fasenating stuff I am still going to buy a book just a matter of which one xx

    1. Hi Dawn! The 13 Goddesses Challenge is over, but you can still make your goddesses and send me a link to your posts. I'll visit and talk about them in my blog! :)
      As for a beginner book, I think that Goddesses in World Mythology will do. It will give you a broad global idea. Then you will be able to choose books by subject. Personally, I love Nordic and Celtic myths.

  14. Hi Simona! I just found you a week ago through Stacy at MagicLoveCrow. I joined the ChakrART (lovin' it) and popped over here to see what the 13 Goddesses was about. Sounds like it was fun. Are you planning on doing it again this year? I would join in and blog about it. Thank you for the ChakrART workshop and your beautiful blog.

  15. Greetings Simona
    I just stumbled upon your blog via a link on a blog that I visit occasionally. Sadly your 13 Goddesses challenge is over and it sounds like it was a fantastic project. Like Rasz stated will you be doing this again?

    Pagan: SnowMoon

    1. Sure I will, Sande. I think in September. I hope you will join us! :))

  16. Reading this in 2014 and I'm putting this down to start next month :) Thank you!

  17. Will you be doing this challenge again in the future?


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