Saturday, October 13, 2012

Halloween Fun: She-Devil

New drawing for my Halloween Fun month!
I'm working on Halloween costumes.
This is She-Devil.
Do you like her? :)

I'm linking her to ARTIST'S PLAYROOM. This week theme is Masquerade.

This year I have been following Willowing's LIFE BOOK CLASSES.
I must admit that I'm very way behind, but the classes are ALL amazing. I have learned a lot of techniques and got so much inspiration!

If you hadn't got the chance to sign in for 2012 Life Book, take a look at the 
2013 LIFE BOOK, starting on January 1st, 2013.
Another year of cool artsy classes.
There are a lot of different packages and an installment plan.
Believe me, it's worth the money.

For more info, please click the image


  1. Very cool! I love how you divided the Knightsbridge pattern into sections so that it sways different directions! A great figure she has, too, I want one!

  2. une très jolie illustration... digne de votre fête pour Halloween.
    Gros bisous

  3. You use pattern so beautifully to emphasise your lines... very inspiring...xx

  4. sorry to get here so late!! I love this and am duly inspired by your approach to masquerade!!

  5. Love that Cruella Deville look - a she-devil for sure!

  6. I love her!! She is one sexy devil ;o) Love those eyes!

  7. Oh wow, she is so fabulous. I love her face and all that tangling. Just wonderful.


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