Sunday, October 7, 2012

Halloween Fun: Pumpkin Patch

Second Halloween drawing for this month.
Mom and Dad are coming back next weekend after almost three months at my aunt's.
Aunt's leg is better and she can now walk. However Alzheimer has taken her mind away. I called her yesterday, but she kept asking me who I was.... That's really sad. 
I need my parents to come back to their usual life. My mom back to her knitting and my dad back to his drawings. 
You know I love pumpkins.
Here is my 2012 Pumpkin Patch!

Colored markers and pencils.


  1. Alzheiners is a cruel illness and I am sorry that your Aunt didn't know who you were.

    Adore your pumpkins, they look super scary and yet lovable at the same time!

  2. Sending you and your family lots of big hugzzzz! In these bodies we may not remember, but in our soul we carry all those treasures of this world and many more...

    love those pumpkins ... especially the vampire pumpkin! Do the others know? muh ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaa!


  3. I am so sorry for your Aunt! Sending many blessings her way! Alzheimer is so cruel! I agree, your parents need to get back to their usual life! Your pumpkin patch is too cute! Love it!!! Are you doing any of these aceo size? Big Hugs my friend ;o)

  4. You are not alone. My mom had alzheimers...I know the pattern and also know what you ae going through...My thoughts are with you..

    Love your pumkins..especially the blue bat...


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