Saturday, October 20, 2012

Halloween Fun: Steampunk(like) Lady

Yesterday my hubby came back home from Luxembourg with a cool Harry Potter's scar on his forehead (I'll post a photo in my next blog post). I hope he will soon find a job, because it's starting to get difficult to pay the bills with only my sorry paycheck.... 
Italy is in big recession.... that is why my husband and I have made up the decision of looking for a job abroad. Our project is to move to Canary Islands before the end of 2013 and look for jobs there. My sister is going to move there from Argentina in December 2012, so we will have first hand info about jobs and a place to stay until we find a home. I am very positive about moving to CI. :))
My dear ill friend is still at the hospital. I'm waiting for news and always thinking of him. Thank you all for your kind words!
And here we go with my new Halloween Fun Mask.
Today it's a Steampunk(like) Lady.

Ink and Colored Pencils.

If you wish to see some very cool paintings, please visit my friend NATASHA's blog.
She is a wonderful artist and I admire her!


  1. That is so brave of you and so exciting. :) For me it gets complicated because I have 2 dogs and 7 cats and I would have to bring them with me if I wanted to go live abroad. But maybe someday I'll have courage to do it. No jobs here as well. Love your little ladies and thanks for linking to me. :) Wishing you luck with your endeavors. :)

  2. You are so right to seek new adventure, there is no point in sitting and rotting in a world that is no longer the same for you. ...and the Canary isles!!!, with family!! can only be an exciting opportunity :D
    I hope your dear friend is comfortable and safe :) XXX

  3. Jeez, I hope your husband didn't tangle with Lord Voldemort in Luxembourg but just banged his head on a door or something!

    Is it easy to move from one EU country to another in Europe for work? Or do you need a bunch of paperwork and work permits?

  4. Natasha, I have 4 cats. But they will all come with us. :)

    Gina, you're so right. I don't recognize my Country anymore... I need to go away.

    Debra, I don't know if it's easy. We will surely need some paperwork, but anyway we are in EU countries, so I think it won't be difficult. :)

  5. Hi Simona ;o) Sorry I am late coming around! Moving?? Wow!! I wish your entire family all the best! I do hope something comes soon for your hubby! I feel sorry for his scar! I will still hold your friend close to my heart. I truly hope he is not suffering! Your new pencil drawing is way cool!! Love those eyes!! Big Hugs;o)

  6. I love adventure but they don't seem to knock on my door....

    Prayers continue for your friend.

    Your latest art is wonderous...I love it all.

    My hubby too, is unemployed..I know how hard it is.


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