Wednesday, October 17, 2012

(Less) Halloween Fun: Catwoman Costume

Updates on my friend: unfortunately there is nothing to do for him. We only have to wait for his sufferings to end soon.... I am so really sad....
Moreover, my husband is in Luxembourg for work this week, and on Monday he had to go to the ER because he cut his forehead. Final count: 5 stitches......
What a month!!!

I need to keep calm and peaceful, so I keep on drawing during the night.
I really don't want to think about all the bad things happening around me. I don't want to enter the tunnel of depression again, thinking about lack of money, husband working very few, death and such.
I want to concentrate on  making my art and trying to sell it. 
That's what I want now!

Here is another piece for my (Less) Halloween Fun.  

Let me introduce you Catwoman Costume:



  1. Sorry to hear about your friend. I hope he receives the very best of palliative care.

    That is one sexy kitty! I'm glad your art is a lifeline for you.

  2. HI! Just found your blog from Leonie's Circle.
    How GORGEOUS!!!! Your art is beautiful! Congrats!

  3. So sorry to hear about your friend ... this is such a hard time for you ... it's hard when you realize there is nothing to be done and we are just not ready to say goodbye. I feel the same way about life right now ... having so many things to worry about and I try to concentrate on my art ... I just don't seem to be able to do that and that makes me so sad. I'm happy your are still able to create such magical pieces.

    Love and Light always,

  4. I am so sorry for your friend! I hope they are not suffering! Sending out big hugs! Your poor hubby! Big Hugs to everyone! My friend, I don't know why things happen? They say it's all for a reason? Know that you are loved and you are being sent good energy! I love your Catwoman!!! She is one sexy mamma ;o)


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