Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Weekly Challenge #5 & Owlie

ATC (Artist Trading Card) size

And a little Owlie I made today!


  1. Love the use of black - very appealing

  2. Your orbs are stunning! White on black cardstock, right? Gives a very special touch to the circles. Lovely!
    And owlie is sooo cute…

  3. I think Phine just answered the question I wanted to ask! Love this one, it looks like fine lace over black...Owlie is cute too.

  4. Love the top one, the use of white on black is very powerful and lovely, and owlie is sooo cute!

  5. Love the white on black combination it takes simple tangles and bumps them up a notch with the added texture! Did you use white pencil on black card stock?
    Whooot'in owl is sweet.

  6. A beaut idea of having a night theme, I like the darkness of the 1st one then some fun with Owlie!

  7. Lovely - my favorites - orbs and spirals!

  8. Very cute, keep on doodling and sharing, it's delightful.
    Johnina :^A

  9. Totally digging the white on black - and your orbicular background for the little owl is gorgeous!

  10. Oh, that white on black is stunning!!! Great drawings!


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