Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Doodle Flowers & First ATCs received!!!!

I completed my new ATCs.
Here is a sample. Click on it to view the whole series!
I also started trading ATCs (Artist Trading Cards).
Therse are the first two I received ever. I found them today in my mailbox!


  1. I like the two cards you received in the mail, but perhaps I'd best confess that I've been lusting after your flickr-posted cards for quite some time! The folks who receive them are in for a rare treat!

  2. buongiorno mia cara, come la va? qui si svivacchia al freddo e al gelo, in attesa che i meli sboccino... anche se a dir la verità preferirei una bella nevicata alla primavera...

    il cigno d'argento un po' ammaccato

  3. Grazie per aver visitato il mio blog.
    Le tue Atc sono fantastiche!
