Friday, March 22, 2013

Art Journal: Third Lesson of ChakrART FREE Workshop

I know I'm very late on posting my Third Chakra work!  It has been a busy week, and I had also to make a couple of  custom drawings.

Here we go with Manipura Chakra!
As I wrote on Facebook yesterday, it reads:"Can you feel the POWER?". I know it is very simple, but it came to me like that, and I didn't feel the urge to add more. This is a very disturbing chakra to me. It is related to self-esteem, and I'm still working on it. :)
For POWER I usually mean the ability to create something. 
When I was a young girl I used to write "poems" and short stories, and created worlds with my imagination.
Then I have been creatiing silver and stones bijoux for almost 15 years.
Now I'm hooked on drawing and discovered mixed media.
And I think I have finally found my ideal medium

. I can combine words and images to arouse emotions and make people smile.
That's what I want to do. :)

Here is the journal page.

Remember that if you want to join the CHAKRART FREE WORKSHOP, you're still in time. It will be open foe almost all year long!

Enjoy and have a great weekend!!


  1. Amazing page hun I'm behind too but loving the classes

  2. Stunning image my friend! I am learning so much about me in this workshop!

  3. Wonderful journal spread! I did that too when I was little. Have no idea how I could imagine all that stuff. :)
