Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Remember my Crowdfunding Campaign?

Do you remember my Indiegogo Crowdfunding Campaign?
As I promised a couple of months ago, here is a juicy photo of all the supplies I purchased with those funds! :)
Acrylics, ink pens, markers, modelling paste, pencils, journals and paper!
You AWESOME SOULS made it happen! With those supplies I can make art for a loooooong time!
I'll show you some new pieces soon!

Last week I had to catch up with Fat Round Journal FB Group Challenge. The theme was Paradise/Heaven.
I am not a religious person. Not at all. I respect all religious thoughts, but I don't want/need to follow any. But, being raised in a Catholic environment still has some effect on me. Thinking about heaven brought this image to my mind. I just played with my intuitive drawing and blended it with a revised quote from John Milton's "Paradise Lost". I hope you like it.

And last but not least, here are some watercolor and ink postcards. A good way of recharging after two weeks far away from my pencils!! :)


  1. WOW you managed to get some fab supplies, so pleased your creative payche can play!

    Your watercolour and ink postcards are juicy and fun, love them:-) xxx

  2. lovely postcards and a very intuitive drawing!

  3. Just LOVE your postcards!! They'll brighten anyone's mailbox who's lucky enough to receive one :)
    Happy PPF!!

  4. Your postcards are lovely-so vibrant and I do like your illustration using a great quote!

  5. Very nice job, glad you were able to get your art supplies! Yummy postcards too!

    Hugs Giggles

  6. those postcards are so wonderful... love the strong colours and energetic lines...xx

  7. Great vibrant colours on your postcards. They would certainly give an impact flying through your postbox.
    Great illustration and art supplies. Have fun
    Happy PPF

  8. I love all the colors and your heaven/hell drawing is very nice. Well done. Glad you got such a stock of art supplies

  9. Cosa è quel fondo di cui parlavi ??? Le cartoline spettacolari. :)

  10. I love all the art supplies ;o) So happy ;o)
    Wow, look at all the art! Amazing my friend! Love it all ;o)
    Big Hugs ;o)

  11. Wow, she's suffering on pens! ;) LOVE LOVE the postcards. Really great art. I think you should submit them to a publishing company! If you haven't already. Thanks so much for sharing!

    Happy Sunday Sketches!
    xo Tam Hess

  12. What wonderful art supplies! I love the postcards, they are amazing!

  13. Wow! You are an extremely prolific artist and the postcards are so beautiful too. Blessings!

  14. Complimenti! i tuoi disegni e i tuoi sfondi sono bellissimi! Grazie per la visita al mio blog, mi hai dato l'opportunità di scoprire il tuo! Fantastico!

  15. Excellent Blog and very interesting information about the Crowdfunding campaign it's really good work and well done.
    Crowdfunding campaign
