Monday, June 2, 2014

A Very Special CUSTOM Order

I'm very happy to write this post today.

I have already written about GNU SOLIDARIO - Education and Health with Free Software.
It is a NGO (non governative organization) that works on a global level for delivering health and education through FREE SOFTWARE

They have developed GNU HEALTH a free Health and Hospital Information System.
As they write: Our goal is to contribute with health professionals around the world to improve the lives of the underprivileged, providing a free system that optimizes health promotion and disease prevention. GNU Health is an official GNU Package, and the Hospital Information System adopted by the United Nations University, International Institute for Global Health, for the implementations and trainings.

Since 2010 they organize IWEEE - International Workshop on e-Health in Emerging Economies, a non-profit event that brings together a multi-disciplinary team representing NGOs, Academia, Government and Industry to share their experiences and to try to find ways to improve the lives of millions of human beings around the world.

 This year I had the privilege of creating for them a CUSTOM leaflet that I made for free. It is a very simple thing, but I'm glad it helped to sell their T-shirts and stickers for supporting GNU Solidario.

If you want to support GNU SOLIDARIO you can do it by donating ( or sharing this post .


Have a great week!


  1. Beautiful leaflet Simona, glad you could help such a great cause :-) x

  2. What a great cause ;o) That is so kind of you Simona ;o)
