Thursday, May 1, 2014

Update #2

Update of the Update:
I have just known that my Aunt Lina has died. She was old and had Alzheimer. It's so sad that an active and intelligent person should end her life in a black hole like Alzheimer is...
I will leave tomorrow for the funeral. I don't know when I'm coming back. Maybe some days.
See you soon.

7 FUNDERS for my campaign already (see on the right of this page)!
I'll never get tired of telling you THANK YOU!! 
It truly means a lot to me.

Especially now that my hubby has discovered that he has HEART ISSUES.... 
Right when he has got a job to do for a couple of weeks! I think our Karma is hitting bad lately.
He went for a day hospital checkup for a simple surgical operation and they stopped everything because of heart trouble. Not a serious thing, but anyway he has to undergo treatment.
Updates next Tuesday when we are going to the cardiologist.
This one must be HEART YEAR. Since January we have already had two of his relatives with heart attacks.
So, please, keep us in your energy circles!

I dedicated the month of April to my Etsy Shop, adding digital items. I have gone back at using my PC programs after a long full immersion into hand drawing. 
Here are a couple of new items:

Customisable Long Playing style Birthday Invitations

Printable Gratitude Checks (must use some indeed!)

And, of course, OWLS Cupcake Toppers/Tags!!! :)
I had a lot of fun creating those little owls with my graphic program! :)

But I have also completed a drawing.
This month I'm going back to drawing. And I must also catch up with art challenges!!!

Happy Labor Day everyone!
(Having no job, today I will work because I have nothing to celebrate).


  1. Sorry to hear Simona, hope your Husband feels better very soon so he can have his surgery!

    Great to see you are drawing again, Etsy goodies look fab, glad you have more contributors to your Help A Starving Artist campaign.

    Keep on breathing in Light and creating :-) xxx

  2. Spero davvero che ora Lei sia tornata quella di prima, senza più alcun segno della malattia...per me questa è la forma ideale di Paradiso. Condoglianze, anche se ci conosciamo poco. Daniela

    1. p.s: tuoi lavori sono sempre pieni di bravura e poesia (in bocca al lupo, per il resto). D.

  3. Thank you for stopping by my Paint Party Friday blog post. Nice to meet you. Sorry to hear about your aunt. Take care.

  4. My friend, I am so sorry, for everything! Sending you a big warm hug! I don't know what to say? Try to keep smiling inside! I know it's hard! xooxxo

  5. Wonderful painting! I'm so sorry about your aunt.
