Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Mother of Darkness - Challenge

It's been quite a few days since my last post.
It has been a bad headaches week, and I could not concentrate on white pages and doodles. :)
Yesterday, I was able to "see straight", and made a Halloween-ish sort of Goddess, the Mother of Darkness.

Today, at work, while waiting for customers, I made my doodle for the World Doodle Challenge (see two posts below) started by The Doodle Daily. Doodles are arriving from many Countries!
Here is mine.


  1. Great doodles – especially the Mother of Darkness.
    Her physiognomy reminds me of the gremlins (the movie from '84).

    Hoping you´re getting better.


  2. Oh, I am so sorry you have had such bad headaches.Migraines must be dreadful. I used to get one every now and then at Christmas time, but not now I have Retired.
    LOVE your Goddess. I have just borrowed some books from the Library on Celtic Art, and this first one reminds me of some of the designs I saw there. Great work.Hope this week is better.
    Bad headaches are really debilitating.


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