Friday, October 8, 2010

World Doodle Challenge

The Doodle Daily just started a World Doodle Challenge.

The task is easy
1. you need a blank piece of paper no bigger than an A4 or 8.5 x 11 inches
2. the doodle does not need fill the page, the ideal size would be 5 x8 inches or what ever you like.
3. You can use one color or many and the doodle can be done while you are in a meeting, on the phone, watching television, on the train…. anywhere you like
4. The doodle can be of anything, what ever pops into your head. just pick up a pen and draw.
4. The important thing is you must date stamp your doodle
and list which City and Country you are in.
5. If you are travelling you can submit doodles from multiple cities.
6. Scan your doodle or take a photo and e-mail it to me :
7. I will begin to post the world doodles as I start receiving them (I anticipate it will take a while to kick off, with the first few trickling in)
8.  Your doodles will eventually wind up in a world book, and will be used to support charities.
How cool would it be to unite the world through drawings.
So whip out your pens and get drawing
I will continue to post my doodles every day as an inspiration to you all, but you can draw whatever you like.
So to kick things off, here is my Doodle of the day.


  1. Thanks so much for the mention of the world doodle challenge. Anyone from anywhere can submit. Even if you think you can't draw... just give it a try.... you'll be surprised at what you produce. All you need is a pen and a piece of paper and scribble away.

    Have fun and get doodling.

    on twitter @thedoodledaily

    World Doodle Challenge

  2. I read this post and decided to take part. I guess I will offer this challenge to my drawing-forum ;-) !


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