Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Working with Archetypes & New Project


I have begun a new personal challenge with archetypes and myths
Among my favorite reading subjects are Psychology (mostly Jungian), Mythology and Folklore.

I started this "journey" while working on a new project for my friend Rebecca from Your SHEro's Journey, as I am drawing a tarot deck. 
(quick preview)

The Major Arcana are actual archetypes, so what better companions for walking this path?

At the moment I am (re-)reading a bunch of books at once, taking notes and meditating. I will be able to show you something in a few days. So, stay tuned! :)
While working on the tarot cards I "received" two images that I had to put on paper.
Here they are. I haven't examined their meanings yet, but I can feel their power (especially the second one's).
I am in a sort of wild woman state of mind lately. I'll have to work on this, too.
I even stumbled upon an interesting book that has just been released. 
Synchronicity at work? :)

For further readings about archetypes and myths check out these must have books:

Have a great week!

Monday, August 22, 2016

13 Goddesses Challenge - Week #13: CHINESE & Ever after 2016


Our journey has come to an end!

Last week of

Let me tell you that it has been a pleasure to view all your creations (mostly on our Facebook group). And I'll be glad if you join me for 2017 edition! :)

This week prompt is


I chose Goddess


She is a Sun Goddess, mother of ten Suns who had the shape of a three legged crow.
Her name can be translated as "Breath of Peace".

Last month I totally forgot to post my piece for the third lesson of 

Click here to view more details
The theme was Snow White and the lesson was very tough!
I made a mess right in the beginning but, as I hate to waste paper, I tried to save it in some way. :)
This is the result (totally the opposite of the lesson teaching... hehehe!!) of which, anyway, I am not disappointed. ;)

Now, show me your Goddess!
You can join anytime until December 31st, 2016! 
(You can add your URL below until September 22th. As Inlinkz allows links for only 30 days, if you join the challenge after that date, please post your link in the comments and I will come visit!)
Check out the guidelines and weekly prompts HERE.
Enjoy and see you next time! 
Show me yours!

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Monday, August 15, 2016

13 Goddesses Challenge - Week #12: AUSTRALIAN or POLYNESIAN

We have almost completed our

My choice is


the Rainbow Snake Goddess of Australian Aboriginal mythology.
 She is associated to the rainy weather, fertility and rebirth.

This time I challenged myself into painting curly hair and I'm quite happy with them.

What do you think? :)

Now, show me your Goddess!
You can join anytime until December 31st, 2016! 
(You can add your URL below until September 13th. As Inlinkz allows links for only 30 days, if you join the challenge after that date, please post your link in the comments and I will come visit!)
Check out the guidelines and weekly prompts HERE.
Enjoy and see you next time!

Show me yours!

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Monday, August 8, 2016

13 Goddesses Challenge - Week #11: AFRICAN, Back from Holidays & Last Art for July

Back from my short vacation!
We have spent our time touring, so I didn't have much time for making art.

I am showing you some pieces I made before leaving and the only one I was able to complete while there. :)

The challenge
hosted by ShadowHeartCollective
is over.
It has been an amazing adventure that made me think of keep going on with daily collages.

These are a couple of the last prompts.



And here is a Mermaid I made while on vacation.

August is going to be a month of new projects!
I will write about them in my next posts.

And now, on with our Goddesses!

This week's
prompt is
I chose
 Mother of all the Orishas of Yoruba religion, she is worshipped both in Africa and in Central and South America.
She is the feminine principle of creation and patron of rivers and oceans.
Her name is a contraction of the words "Iye omo eja", meaning "Mother whose children are like fish".
I have been in close contact with the Ocean during my vacation in Gran Canaria and felt the nourishing power of Yemayà. :)
What do you think? :)

Now, show me your Goddess!
You can join anytime until December 31st, 2016! 
(I will add the InLinkz tool as soon as I come back home!)
Check out the guidelines and weekly prompts HERE.
Enjoy and see you next time!
Show me yours!

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Monday, August 1, 2016

13 Goddesses Challenge - Week #10: SUMERIAN or BABYLONIAN

Helloooo from beautiful Canary Islands!
I am on vacation, so this is going to be a quick post. :)

This week's
prompt is
 My Goddess is


Sumerian "Queen of the Great Earth" (the meaning of her name).
Again a Goddess of the Underworld and the Dead.

This time I wanted to create something different.
I took a (very rare) photo of myself, printed it in B/W, glued it on my journal page and...
made a Queen out of me!! Hehehehe!! :)

The original photo (this is from some years ago)
First sketch and color
The final piece!

What do you think? :)

Now, show me your Goddess!
You can join anytime until December 31st, 2016! 
(I will add the InLinkz tool as soon as I come back home!)
Check out the guidelines and weekly prompts HERE.
Enjoy and see you next time!

Monday, July 25, 2016

13 Goddesses Challenge - Week #9: SOUTH AMERICAN & Collage Challenge


Here we go with a new Goddess!

This week's
prompt is


The Goddess I chose is

 Aztec Queen of the Underworld.
She watches over the bones of the dead and their festivals (such as the modern Day of the Dead).

This time I remembered to take pics of my process!

As I am getting ready for my two weeks vacation, I'm going to quckly show you some of my new collages for the challenge I am doing

hosted by ShadowHeartCollective

More when I come back home!

Now, show me your Goddess!
You can join anytime until December 31st, 2016!
(You can add your URL below until August 23rd. As Inlinkz allows links for only 30 days, if you join the challenge after that date, please post your link in the comments and I will come visit!)

Check out the guidelines and weekly prompts HERE.

Show me yours!
1. Deborah  

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Monday, July 18, 2016

13 Goddesses Challenge - Week #8: ROMAN or GREEK, Collage Challenge & EverAfter 2016

Another week, another bunch of artwork!

This week's
prompt is

 My favorite Greek Goddess is 
Maybe because it is also my sister's name. :)

Goddess of the Moon and sister of the Sun God, Helios, She drives her Chariot across the sky.

First sketch

I am very proud of how this portrait came out. I think she has personality.
What do you think?

Until July 31 I will be creating a daily collage for a challenge inspired by Shakespeare's
hosted by ShadowHeartCollective
 These are my pieces for last week.







the second lesson was on Beauty and the Beast.
 I am quite satisfied by this one. :)

Now, show me your Goddess!
You can join anytime until December 31st, 2016!
(You can add your URL below until August 18th. As Inlinkz allows links for only 30 days, if you join the challenge after that date, please post your link in the comments and I will come visit!)

Check out the guidelines and weekly prompts HERE.
Show me yours!
1. Erika  

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Monday, July 11, 2016

13 Goddesses Challenge - Week #7: Hindu, Collage Challenge & Ever After 2016


We are halfway of our

This week's prompt is

I chose Goddess

She is the Mother of the Gods and of the twelve Zodiac Signs.
She is a powerful Goddess who resisted the strong patriarchal Vedic religion.
In Sanskrit her name means "Limitless", "Unbound".

I love how peaceful She is. :)
 What do you think?

Until July 31 I will be creating a daily collage for a challenge inspired by Shakespeare's
hosted by ShadowHeartCollective

These are my last pieces.







Last but not least, I joined
Click here to view more details
I gave a try at the first lesson, Little Mermaid, and I am quite happy of my piece!

Now, show me your Goddess!

You can join anytime until December 31st, 2016!
(You can add your URL below until August 11th. As Inlinkz allows links for only 30 days, if you join the challenge after that date, please post your link in the comments and I will come visit!)

Check out the guidelines and weekly prompts HERE.
Show me yours!
1. angenita  

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